A woman from Darwen made the final eight of MasterChef but the pressure finally got to her in Tuesday night’s episode (May 14).

Cliodhna Gibson faced a baking disaster on the BBC cooking show when she was tasked with cooking a dish using ingredients that she does not enjoy eating.

Cliodhna, 25, made a chocolate orange cheesecake, served with a chocolate mousse and a chocolate orange and butterscotch sauce.

After her first cheesecake curdled, she was forced to improvise and make another cheesecake.

Lancashire Telegraph: Cliodhna Gibson Cliodhna Gibson (Image: Cliodhna Gibson)

On the show, she said: “I found this brief difficult. I am a greedy girl and like everything. Chocolate orange was the only thing  I didn’t like.

“I had a nightmare with the cheesecake. I noticed it curdled slightly with the orange juice so I am on with plan b.”

After plating up the dish John Torode remarked that the cheesecake had not set.

He said: “My concern for you is that the cheesecake hasn’t set. You struggled at the end trying to get it together but you had to start over again, so I admire the work and tenacity.

Gregg Wallace said: “The butterscotch sauce is making the whole thing too sweet.”

Cliodhna was told that she had not made it to the next stage of the competition.

She said: “It was a bit of bad luck on the day. The pressure got to me. I am so proud of what I achieved and the character I have shown.

“I am taking a lot of positives away from this.”

This is not the first time Cliodhna’s desserts have let her down on the show. She appeared on MasterChef last year but left after a baking disaster involving her chocolate tart.

She returned this year for ‘comeback week’, which saw other contestants return to the cooking competition to try their luck again.

MasterChef is available to watch on BBC iPlayer.