Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust has developed a new way for service users to provide valuable input regarding their healthcare.

A board game has been developed that provides a familiar and unthreatening way for people to make their opinions heard. The aim is to encourage service user involvement and to gauge perspectives on their hospital environments.

The game is to be officially launched at the NESTA (National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts) Innovation Live Conference in London on November 12.

It has already been used effectively in a variety of settings, such as by service users at Guild Lodge, at Whittingham, near Preston, to help address matters relating to equality and diversity.

It has been so successful that its inventor Carol Bristow, who works at Guild Lodge, was recently invited to present a joint conference paper at the Design and Emotions Conference in Hong Kong.

Carol said: “Board games are now used as an interactive tool for education, awareness and consultation.

“The growth in this field highlights the need for more research to understand how games and game technologies can be designed to benefit service users and health care providers.”