WE went to view the the plans for 139 "affordable houses" on the site of Olive's Paper Mill in Tottington Road, Bury, and must say that we are disgusted by the proposal to squeeze so many houses on to what we regard as geologically-poor ground.

Over recent years, much of the Olive's site has fallen into dereliction and allowed to naturalise. As such, it has become an important habitat for a variety of wildlife as more and more housing has impinged upon the rest of the Kirklees Valley.

We have seen foxes, evidence of badgers, swans on the open water, herons flying over, kingfishers diving and mink foraging around the brook. In the dusk of the summer months we even see bats feeding on insects around the street lamps of Tottington Road! Yes, all this wildlife surviving so close to the urban sprawl.

To allow the development of this site in its present form would endanger the very existence of these defenceless creatures. The time has come to consolidate -- not erode further -- this rich and diverse natural asset which gives incalculable pleasure to residents and visitors alike.

We call upon the council to use independent, expert scientific evidence to substantiate claims to have the Olive's Paper Mill site designated as a local nature reserve for all the residents of the borough to enjoy.

Mr and Mrs L KAY,

Tottington Road,


Protests grow -- see p 28