I AM not surprised at the complaints about speed humps.

The only thing that does surprise me is that it has taken so long for people to start complaining more about them.

I've been complaining to the council ever since they started their obsession with these stupid lumps of Tarmac that break our cars as well as our backs and how much thought has been given to life-saving emergency services.

Obviously in a life-threatening situation seconds can mean the difference between an ambulance or fire engine getting to someone in time.

These ridiculous things mean that from one side of the town to the other must obviously mean a five to 10 minute difference in the time it takes for an emergency vehicle to arrive.

I bet the council don't look into statistics of how many lives have been lost through these horrible things that they reckon save lives.

It is time we got rid of them completely.

ROB WILCOCK, Woodville Road, Blackburn.