I AM completely dismayed and extremely upset to hear that the Valley Arts Centre in Darwen is to be closed as part of the Redearth Triangle Redevelopment. I have seen at first hand the excellent service to the whole community, which this centre has offered over the past months.

I have visited and heard first hand the sheer thrill and pleasure from a young adult with learning difficulties who had just completed a piece of work and had been given praise and encouragement. I was moved to see that he was just one of many students who had benefited from an afternoon class where the whole group had been able to express themselves and produce something of which they were rightly proud in an environment where they were valued.

I watched this group, as they were encouraged to discuss together and gain confidence from one another and grow in their newfound self-esteem. All this was done under the sensitive and excellent tutorage of Jo and Alan Fielding.

I have also visited and seen other students rediscover and redevelop long forgotten skills and interests in art and those just starting from scratch. I again watched as they were gently and expertly shown how to put their ideas on the paper, canvas or use clay. The delight and enjoyment was tangible and when I talked to many of them they all stated how discovering Valley Arts had changed their loves or invigorated their retirement.

I have visited exhibitions of children's work, which lifted my spirits and made me think that perhaps there was hope of a future where talent could be harnessed and nurtured to a friendly and very supportive environment. I observed youngsters showing off their work to proud parents and grandparents. I spoke to parents who told me that their children had found an outlet to express themselves in small intimate groups which had given them confidence.

All this is all in addition to the facilities which adult local artists have been able to share, enjoy and meet together as your article (LET, August 30) so truly explained.

The Valley Arts Centre has been providing a much needed and valuable service to all the community regardless of background, age, ability or any other factory. How can such a worthwhile enterprise be pushed aside in the name of progress? Surely this is exactly what the community needs and deserves. I am proud to be a supporter of such a wonderful place.

BARBARA CHATBURN, Abercrombie Road, Fleetwood.