ALLEYGATES have helped slash crime by 33 per cent in areas of Darwen.

More than 45 gates were put up in the Sudell and St James areas in a joint initiative between the Neighbourhood Policing Team, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council and Twin Valley Homes.

The action came after reports of criminals using alleyways as escape routes after committing thefts and burglaries.

Officers also received reports of fly tipping, rubbish being set alight and underage drinking.

Since the gates were installed, police said crime in the area had reduced by 33 per cent, with 222 offences in January 2011 compared to 331 in January 2010.

Sergeant Karen Sledge said: “The gates have been a great success, particularly in helping to flush any crime from the alleyways on to the main streets where residents can report it to police.

“We have carried out a number of high-profile drugs warrants in the area and are continuing to work closely with Twin Valley Homes to deal with problem tenants.

“Young people are being directed towards a Groundwork Pennine Lancashire which does an excellent job with diversionary activities.

“I hope this action reassures people that the police and other agencies are working hard to make the neighbourhood safer for local residents while encouraging people to have pride in their local community.”

Lesley Hall, Youth Project Manager for Groundwork Pennine Lancashire added: “Our youth base, Reach Out, has had amazing results with the young people and families of the area and has been widely praised for reducing anti-social behaviour among young people.”