LICENSEES at Pendle’s pubs and clubs are to be given special cloths which detect cocaine, as part of a scheme aimed at wiping out drugs in the borough.

The cloths, designed to be wiped over surfaces, turn blue if they pick up traces of cocaine.

Funded by Pendle Community Safety Partnership, the wipes will be handed to licensees from every one of the borough’s pubs and clubs at the next Pubwatch meeting.

Mick Armfield, Pendle Council’s licensing enforcement officer, who is leading the scheme, said: “This scheme has the backing of licensees.

Pubs and clubs in Pendle want to promote a safe and drug free environment for their customers.

Often it’s the combination of drugs and alcohol that can lead to problems in the night-time economy. The wipes are an extremely quick and effective way of identifying drugs use.

“They can also be used in conjunction with UV torches which we loan out to Pubwatch members.”

If drugs are detected at a pub or club, staff will inform the police and the borough council.

High-visibility visits will then be made to the premises to deter would-be drug-users.

Anyone suspected of taking or dealing in drugs will run the risk of being prosecuted and banned from all licensed premises in Pendle.

PC Mark Walker, licensing enforcement officer, said: “We’ll continue to work closely with Pendle Council and licensed premises by carrying out high visibility visits to their premises.

"Action will be taken against any individual who may be found to be in possession of any illegal substance.”