DONATIONS are needed for the Friends of Darwen Cemetery stall at this year’s Darwen Gala.

The group, known as FODC, are looking to raise money by having a bottle stall at the event on August 18, and ask for any drink in a bottle to be given. Drinks do not need to be alcoholic. Members also want donations of some small children’s prizes to go in a lucky dip bin for a ‘cemetery game’.

Anyone who is able to help is asked to bring items to the Ashton Memorial in the old (Western) cemetery during the next working party on August 11, between 10am and noon.

The Friends will be displaying information on their work at the gala, which dates back to March 2010.

Since then, a nature garden has been created, maintainence has been carried out on graves and their surrounds, and partnerships have been forged with local schools who have ‘adopted’ graves and learning about the site’s history.
For more information on the group, or how to donate, email: