I WAS very pleased to read the article in the Lancashire Evening Telegraph (May 20) regarding a possible new People's Dispensary for Sick Animals centre for East Lancashire, which could mean 70,000 households in our area would be eligible for help.

There has been a significant involvement from Lancashire County Council which has helped the scheme to reach this stage.

As the previous chairman of county's former external overview and scrutiny committee, we looked at all aspects of life affecting the county's residents.

I thought your readers would be interested to know that we have been working very closely with the PDSA and other animal welfare groups.

We have been successful in organising for welfare rights offices to carry information about free and subsidised veterinary help available to pet owners in low incomes and benefits.

We are all aware of how a pet can become a valued member of the family and the worries some pet owners have when considering veterinary costs.

Promoting the help available through various charities, such as the RSPCA or PDSA PetAid, could help to alleviate owners' worries.

Wherever the animal hospital is situated will certainly be a bonus for East Lancashire as a whole.

COUNTY COUN WENDY DWYER, deputy chairman, Lancashire County Council.