REGARDING the story on developments in local government (LT, October 2), this refers to Local Enterprise Partnerships and is brought about by the demise of the North West Regional Development Agency.

This was an unelected agency with quite a strong influence on some local affairs.

It is proposed to replace it with a similar quango. I refer, of course, to Pennine Lancashire.

How long does this self-preservation go on?

Elevate, another then-government brainchild, failed miserably but while in existence, recruited to its ranks entrepreneurs who later became Pennine Lancashire and stepped into the shoes of Elevate.

Since then, RPL has achieved very little in the way of regeneration and development and one must wonder how much such an outfit costs the taxpayers of the country.

The present government has promised to get rid of these unelected bodies, eg. NWDA.

Let’s also get rid of PL and let the government think long and deep over introducing similar bodies.

R BRACEWELL, Ormerod Street, Worsthorne.