Blackburn is not the town it was 50 years ago (‘Critics rap survey claiming Blackburn folk aren’t satisfied with their lot,’ LT, July 27).

Yes, the built environment is much better in most cases and air quality is much improved and both schools and health facilities have been transformed.

Its industrial base, whilst more balanced, is but a shadow of its former self like so many towns.The town has increasingly lost its middle-class and upwardly mobile working-class populations who have fled to the suburbs and well beyond, leaving behind a much less socially cohesive and affluent place.

Those who fled' may now only return to work there and possibly shop there, though the car gives them a choice to go elsewhere.

I suspect that many of those who are responsible for running the town live miles from its urban centres or outside the borough altogether so can present a rosy picture whilst retreating to their rural idylls at the end of the day.

Noiticer (via website).