DOGS may be man’s best friend but with that special relationship comes responsibility.

That means caring for pets properly. But it also means discharging responsibilities to society.

In Hyndburn, the council, which has a history of being tough on wayward dog owners, has decided to up the ante with a threat of £1,000 fines.

Some people may argue the punishment does not fit the crime.

But we all have the right to walk down the street or visit the park with our children and not have to worry about stepping in dog mess.

In extreme cases, children who have come into contact with dog dirt have been left permanently blinded through the infection toxocariasis.

A lot of people seem to be anti-dog when it comes to pointing the finger.

But it is irresponsible owners who lack the decency to pick up after their dogs who are to blame.

Hitting these people with hefty fines is one way to tackle the problem. But more should be done to educate people, particularly youngsters, about the health risks.

All councils should also look at installing more dog bins and providing more bags to encourage owners to clear up after their pets.

Hopefully this will help send out a clear message that dog fouling is a serious matter.