I have no issue for bringing people to court over the riots, but are we not getting a little carried away when we start prosecuting people for leaving messages on Facebook?

We have a had a steady line of people being put before the courts because they left a message urging people to go out and riot.

Okay, not the brightest thing to do, but where on earth can you draw the line on this?

And it is quite clear that there are a fair few who were just getting carried away with things, and most of them were in fact jokes.

Because that is what you do when something like that happens – you joke.

Hey, I’m not saying it is right but that’s what teenagers do.

And will this really stop people from doing it next time?

If for instance someone now leaves a comment under this article calling me something derogatory, am I then entitled to find the guy and haul him before a court?

Yes, of course the reason most people would do that is they know full well they will not have to face anyone.

The internet is not policed.

Barring the WCs in our back yards it is probably the only free place left on the planet.

On another unrelated point altogether I am quite concerned with the amount of ‘f’ ing and blinding that goes on in my town centre.

Yes, I swear. But only on the sidelines of a football pitch. And only then when we miss an open net.

And only then when I have had a good look around to see no-one is walking past with a dog.

And only then in Punjabi so only a handful of people understand.

Just this week two lads were swearing, just explaining where a particular market stall was.

It went like this… ‘It’s ‘f’ ing over there.’ ‘No it ‘f’ ing isn’t’. What the ‘f’ do you know.’ And so on and so forth.

I felt like saying something similar myself – well it might be the only language they understand.