ROSS Miller’s bid for the 2010 SD34 Stage Championship has reached the home straight after a successful debut run on the Mull Rally.

The Whalley driver finished 63rd overall, and Miller was delighted to make it to the end – and with a hatful of SD34 points as a bonus.

“What a place and what a rally!” said Miller, who was co-driven by Brian Otridge in their Peuegot 206GTi adding.

“Everything went to plan and the car came back in one piece, after a tidyish drive. It was my first attempt at a pace note rally and the challenging Mull roads. I got excited on SS1 after catching the car in front just after the half way point, and got into a flow, but SS2 was cancelled after a serious incident mid way through the stage.”

Miller continued: “We had no problems Friday and Saturday afternoon, the only real issues where which tyres to use in the very unusual 20-degree October heat up on the island.

“By Saturday night fatigue was starting to set in, but I was elated to get to the finish.

“We’re now back at the top of the SD34 leaderboard, with just one event to go, which is next month's Hall Trophy at Blyton airfield in Lincolnshire.”